The News From Spain
The dog-and-pony show known as “The Second Arab-European Dialogue on Human Rights and Terrorism” won’t begin for another couple of weeks in Copenhagen, but the anti-Islamophobia frenzy is already warming up in Córdoba.
The OSCE is gathering there, in the heart of Reconquista territory, to declare its undying dhimmitude.
According to ANSAmed: UNESCO Must Declare Muslim Remains European Heritage
“UNESCO should declare that Muslim remains European heritage of the Islamic civilisations,” Italian Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs Vittorio Craxi and Ulivo (Olive) MP Khaled Allam proposed at the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) conference against intolerance and discrimination against Muslims held in Córdoba, Spain. “This would represent a gesture capable of boosting the process of cultural integration especially as regards young Muslims who would see the recognition of their culture as integral part of the historic traditions of Europe,” Craxi said in a statement.
Consider this: Islam came into Europe by conquest between the 8th century and the 15th. Islam was never spread on the continent except by the sword, and by people who were not indigenous to Europe. To declare by administrative fiat that Islam is a part of Europe’s heritage is to twist the truth into a pretzel and then run it through a blender.
The significance of Córdoba as the venue for this claptrap is not lost on me, and I’ll bet it’s not lost on the Arabs, either. The cathedral at Córdoba is, after all, a converted mosque, and the mosque had been built on the ruins of a Christian church at the conclusion of the Moorish conquest in 711 A.D. More than any other place in Spain, Córdoba represents the Reconquista, the succesful effort to expel the Muslim conquerors from Christian Spain. But Islam won’t be satisfied with namby-pamby Multiculturalism and anti-Islamophobic declarations. They want the whole enchilada: they want to get back into the Mezquita at Córdoba. Also according to ANSAmed:
Allowing Muslims and Christians to pray together in the Mosque-Cathedral in Córdoba, currently consecrated to Catholic rites. The request presented by the Arab League secretary Amr Moussa at the OSCE conference against intolerance and discrimination of Muslims currently running in Córdoba, which reopens the controversial debate on the shared use of places of worship. During his speech yesterday at the conference, Moussa, quoted by the media, stated that “all the churches and mosques are built for praying, so that the devotees can use them” and assured that, in the case of the Córdoba Cathedral, “there does not exist any kind of religious clash, at the most the clash might be of political nature”. According to Moussa, “shared prayer is the essence of the coexistence of different religions” and Córdoba, he explained, “is one of the most important places for tolerance”. The arrogance of this demand is simply breathtaking. Are we to expect, then, that mosques in Riyadh will start welcoming priests to say Mass on their premises? Will a Rabbi be celebrating a Passover seder in Mecca? If not, will that change what happens in Córdoba? Without reciprocity, will the Spaniards keep the Muslims from Friday prayers in the Mezquita?
Do you want to bet money on that?
The dog-and-pony show known as “The Second Arab-European Dialogue on Human Rights and Terrorism” won’t begin for another couple of weeks in Copenhagen, but the anti-Islamophobia frenzy is already warming up in Córdoba.
The OSCE is gathering there, in the heart of Reconquista territory, to declare its undying dhimmitude.
According to ANSAmed: UNESCO Must Declare Muslim Remains European Heritage
“UNESCO should declare that Muslim remains European heritage of the Islamic civilisations,” Italian Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs Vittorio Craxi and Ulivo (Olive) MP Khaled Allam proposed at the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) conference against intolerance and discrimination against Muslims held in Córdoba, Spain. “This would represent a gesture capable of boosting the process of cultural integration especially as regards young Muslims who would see the recognition of their culture as integral part of the historic traditions of Europe,” Craxi said in a statement.
Consider this: Islam came into Europe by conquest between the 8th century and the 15th. Islam was never spread on the continent except by the sword, and by people who were not indigenous to Europe. To declare by administrative fiat that Islam is a part of Europe’s heritage is to twist the truth into a pretzel and then run it through a blender.
The significance of Córdoba as the venue for this claptrap is not lost on me, and I’ll bet it’s not lost on the Arabs, either. The cathedral at Córdoba is, after all, a converted mosque, and the mosque had been built on the ruins of a Christian church at the conclusion of the Moorish conquest in 711 A.D. More than any other place in Spain, Córdoba represents the Reconquista, the succesful effort to expel the Muslim conquerors from Christian Spain. But Islam won’t be satisfied with namby-pamby Multiculturalism and anti-Islamophobic declarations. They want the whole enchilada: they want to get back into the Mezquita at Córdoba. Also according to ANSAmed:
Allowing Muslims and Christians to pray together in the Mosque-Cathedral in Córdoba, currently consecrated to Catholic rites. The request presented by the Arab League secretary Amr Moussa at the OSCE conference against intolerance and discrimination of Muslims currently running in Córdoba, which reopens the controversial debate on the shared use of places of worship. During his speech yesterday at the conference, Moussa, quoted by the media, stated that “all the churches and mosques are built for praying, so that the devotees can use them” and assured that, in the case of the Córdoba Cathedral, “there does not exist any kind of religious clash, at the most the clash might be of political nature”. According to Moussa, “shared prayer is the essence of the coexistence of different religions” and Córdoba, he explained, “is one of the most important places for tolerance”. The arrogance of this demand is simply breathtaking. Are we to expect, then, that mosques in Riyadh will start welcoming priests to say Mass on their premises? Will a Rabbi be celebrating a Passover seder in Mecca? If not, will that change what happens in Córdoba? Without reciprocity, will the Spaniards keep the Muslims from Friday prayers in the Mezquita?
Do you want to bet money on that?